How Can I Permanently Fix Incontinence?

How Can I Permanently Fix Incontinence?

The key to making sure that incontinence stops being an issue is to find a more permanent solution to cure it. There are numerous contributing factors to incontinence, which it has to do with a patient’s inability to control their urine or bowel movements. These may involve weak muscles, nerve damage, and some forms of health conditions.

Various treatments exist ranging from pelvic floor exercises and changes in lifestyle to medicines and surgery. A large number of people find Ayurvedic treatment for urine incontinence a long-lasting solution for most situations and manage or completely stop incontinence by making the right approach.

Symptoms of incontinence

Incontinence is the inability to control the flow of urine or the passing of stools. Though it can affect anyone of any age group, incontinence is more common in older women. Symptoms can differ depending on the kind of incontinence. Some people have occasional, minor leaks, but others may lose control quite often and experience severe leakage. Understanding symptoms can help patients to get better precaution:

  • Sudden urge to urinate
  • Leaking urine when coughing or sneezing
  • Frequent trips to the bathroom
  • Difficulty holding urine during physical activity
  • Waking up often to urinate at night
  • Leaking stool or inability to control bowel movements

Herbal Solutions to Treat Incontinence Naturally

Incontinence is a problem but surely there are ways to manage it. You heard it right. This problem gets permanently cured if you take Ayurvedic treatment for urine leakage in females. A patient can manage a small rate of urine leakage by improving muscles in the pelvic area through exercises like Kegels strengthen the bladder control. Hydration, good nutrition, and avoiding bladder irritants such as caffeine and alcohol support the bladder.

For those looking for natural remedies, Kalptaru Herbal Therapy Centre offers herbal remedies that seek to focus on the treatment of incontinence. Our treatments aim at balancing the body and make the bladder work far better to eventually give natural relief from incontinence.