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Urinary incontinence means an individual leaks urine by coincidence. Although it can occur to anyone, urinary incontinence, also recognized as overactive bladder, is more common in older individuals, especially women. Bladder control problems can be uncomfortable and cause individuals to avoid their normal actions. But incontinence can frequently be stopped or controlled.


Positioned in the lower abdomen, the bladder is a hollow organ that is a portion of the urinary system, which also comprises the kidneys, ureters, and urethra. Throughout urination, muscles in the bladder constrict to move urine into the tube-shaped urethra. At a similar time, the muscles around the urethra diminish and let the urine pass out of the body. When the muscles in and around the bladder don’t effort the way they should, urine can leak, subsequent in urinary incontinence.

Symptoms Of Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is not an illness by itself. Urinary incontinence is a sign of additional health problems, generally weak pelvic floor strengths. In addition to urinary incontinence, some females have other urinary signs:

  • Pressure or spasms in the pelvic part that causes a strong need to urinate
  • Going to the toilet more than normal
  • Urinating although sleeping (bedwetting)

Causes of Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is generally caused by difficulties with the muscles and nerves that support the bladder to hold or pass urine. Certain health actions unique to females, such as pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause, can cause difficulties with these muscles and nerves.

Other causes of urinary incontinence include:

  • Overweight
  • Constipation
  • Nerve damage
  • Surgery and many others.

Treatment for Loss of Bladder Control

There are several conservative treatments available for the loss of bladder control in women. But ayurvedic treatment is one of the best treatment options that help to cure your problems without causing any side effects.

UI arises in the late ’50s of life, it is primarily due to Vata Pradhanata in Jara Awastha i.e., due to Vata Dosha domination in old age. Significant weight gain can deteriorate pelvic floor muscle tone, and cause urinary incontinence. Losing weight, a healthy diet, exercising, and avoiding alcohol and caffeine are beneficial life changes in urinary incontinence.

The corresponding behavioural intervention that may offer therapeutic assistance for urinary incontinence is workout and Yoga. Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises) can support and strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor that care for the bladder and close the sphincter. Bladder training can support patients learn to delay urination. Pelvic Floor Yogic Exercise (PFYE) is a very effective technique for reinstating urinary incontinence.

Along with these treatment choices, taking ayurvedic medicine is best to control or treat your problem. At Urine Leakage, we are known as one of the best ayurvedic centres to provide herbal medicine for urinary incontinence. So, contact us to take the right treatment for your problem.

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About Us

Dr. H.B Shandilya, Ayurvedacharya (B.A.M.M.S) Bachelor of Ayurveda with Mordern Medicine & Surgery Institutionally qualified from a renowned Govt. Ayurvedic College Lucknow under Lucknow University.

Having served for over 40 Years, I have attained prowess on treating Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) and Urine Incontinence in WOMEN with Unique Miraculous Poly Herbal Formula which is clinically time tested . We are from a traditional family of Ayurveda.

Contact Us

Kalptaru Herbal Therapy Centre ,
Saharanpur Road,
District Dehradun (Uttarakhand)

+91 989 737 9307
+91 989 755 1272
