Urine leakage is the inability of a person to be able to have full bladder control. The management procedure would vary from lifestyle changes, exercises and Ayurvedic treatments in order to strengthen the muscles that hold the bladder.
A healthcare provider should be consulted to discover which approach is best suited on the basis of what type and how severe the leakage is. You will learn some basic information about how you can stop urine leakage on your own. Let’s get started.
Steps You Can Implement To Stop Urine Leakage
Urine leakage, commonly termed as urinary incontinence, is one of the most frequent diseases that may attack anyone of any age. Its treatment depends upon the cause or the grade of this problem. Here are some basic steps and options that facilitate the management of urine leakage:
- Lifestyle Changes: Some lifestyle changes, such as reducing caffeine and alcohol, and attaining an ideal weight, may be favorable for a bladder’s proper control. It has also been proven that exercise helps the pelvic area strengthen and may reduce leakage.
- Bladder Training: Bathroom visits are timed, and the time between visits is gradually increased. This also helps in training the bladder to retain more urine in the system.
- Pelvic Floor Exercises: Called Kegel exercises, they strengthen the muscles that help one urinate. Regularly, this exercise often reduces the leakage.
- Medications: Doctors may prescribe medications to calm overactive bladder muscles or improve muscle strength around the bladder neck.
- Devices: Females are given a pessary that is put in the vagina to provide support to the bladder. Males have a urethral insert to control the flow of urine.
- Nerve Stimulation: There are devices that stimulate nerves that control the bladder, which with time help people control the bladder properly.
Binding Off
Stopping urine leakage starts with understanding the cause behind it, followed by proper treatment. Lifestyle changes include controlling fluid, practicing pelvic exercises, and managing weight. Always consult a doctor for the best approach to control and manage urine leakage effectively.